Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Taking Care of My lips

Since winter came, I have had really dry lips. So I had to fix that. Here's what I do to make my lips soft and smooth!

1. Don't lick your lips! I've noticed that when I used to lick my lips they became even more dry.

2. Apply some Balm! This is the best way to moisturize your lips. I apply it right when I wake up in the morning and before I go to bed. I also apply when ever I have dry lips.

3. Use a Lip Scrub! This will take away all the dry skin that flake up when you put on a lip product. It also makes your lips really smooth!

4. Drink lots of Water! Dehydration can be the cause of dry skin, so be sure to drink up plenty of water!

5. Smile! Now my lips feel better than ever through this winter weather. Ever since I started doing this my lips have gotten smoother, and weren't dry anymore!


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